Monday, September 22, 2008

Export - Import Bank of the US

I was re-appointed for a second year to the Advisory Committee of the Export-Import Bank of the U.S. for 2008-2009. The committee's primary task is to advise the Bank concerning its programs, especially with respect to competitiveness. The committee has been considering a number of areas of opportunity, including identifying the strategies and mechanisms to enable exporters to stay competitive in today's global marketplace. The picture above was taken with the Honorable Jim Lambright, Chairman and President of Ex-Im.

Monday, May 12, 2008

California Business Credit Executive of 2008, Presented by CMA

What an honor to receive the "Credit Executive of the Year" award for 2008" from CMA! I am really humbled by the recognition and now able to join the ranks of past CMA credit execs of the year.
I've spent all of my business life in and around credit management and this award is truly one that I will treasure. Much of my life has been devoted to education - first as an avocation when I was in the corporate world, and now as a vocation as I begin my tenth year in consulting. Besides the undergraduate and graduate programs I teach, I'm very pleased to have been involved in both the development and instruction for on line, certificate eduction. This would include the FCIB International Risk Management program as well as CMA's courses in Business Credit Principles, Financial Statement Analysis and Interpretation and Credit Risk Assessment.
It's a pleasure working with CMA, a vibrant association that is taking the lead in providing timely, on-line education for credit and business professionals.

Friday, April 25, 2008

New Edition of Trade Guide for Exporters Released

In April 2008, due to the excellent reception by US exporters to the first edition of the Trade Finance Guide, the second edition of the Trade Guide was released.

Since its release in April 2007, over 5,000 printed copies of the Trade Finance Guide (TFG) have been distributed to the public and its online version has been downloaded more than 20,000 times from the US Commerce Department website. The second edition includes a new chapter on foreign exchange risk management as well as updates to all of the other chapters. The additional content is in response to the interest expressed by a number of SMEs (small, medium size enterprises) that wish to export more efficiently in foreign currencies by mitigating the risk of currency exchange loss.

At the request of the U.S. Departmentt of Commerce, I provided overall guidance in the development of this update as I did for the first edition. I worked very closely in the editing with the project manager for the Guide, a senior Commerce employee, who was a student of mine a few years ago in the FCIB on line risk management course.
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